
First painting on a canvas, first time using oil paint, a painting right out of my head, I think I did justice. I name it ‘Eye, no eye‘. (Yes, just as creepy as it looks.) Here goes  


The first time I went to a circus was when I was six years old. I went with my grandparents and it was a fun time. I vividly remember this part where a donkey was brought and numbers written on boards were placed in front of it. It’s master asked the audience to shout out…


A little art for the day, inspired by Fireflies – Owlcity

I’m not done yet.

He: Its been more than six months already. Its about time that we get bored of each other. She: Wait, have you been thinking of this as some sort of an agreement? He: Here is the thing, we need to change according to our situations. We stay far away from each other….I need to live…


A little art for the day

So take a chillpill

When you die people would miss you. You as well might now feel like you would miss this life, your loved ones, et cetera. But what if death is just the beginning of something super nice. Like a silent DJ night or something. This always gets me thinking. No one will ever know what it…

If I fall, will you cry.

This one, time I cried when a girl got hurt. She was a friend, to me. I do not know what I was for her. The last time I cried for someone. Today I was asked ‘if I fall will you cry?’. If I were to be honest, I should have said ‘Never again, because…

The ones who walk away from Omelas. (Short Review)

An utopian city. Everyone is happy, in the festive mood. But one. The city is adorned with bright lights on the surface but is dark underneath. The city has beautiful skyscrapers, but not even a good room for that one little soul, that keeps everyone happy. Utopian. It does not exist. Such a place must…

Clean my life up.

So, I watched a video of monthly tarot reading of my sign and wanted to talk about betrayal because apparently people are now trying to grab my attention and are trying to use me. But when has it not been like that. So I have decided to write about how to clean up the junk…

Types of people I saw at a funeral.

Many come to funerals. Some mourn. Some don’t. I went to this funeral last day. I had no intention of mourning but I was there because I wanted to be. As I entered I touched the feet of the body and took a closer look at its face. It looked like he was sleeping. Not…